Message Board Poster ID

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The Firefighter Poster loves the heat. She won't back down from an arugment, and has been trained to extinguish board wars. She is usually very 'hot' herself.

The Doctor poster can be identified by his request of the other posters to 'share their pain.'

The Flapper poster is rare, but a true gem when she reveals her presence. She is in her 90's and is as feisty and quick of wit as she was as a teen. She taught herself to use the computer, and realized many years ago if she wants a man at her age, she has to go looking for him. She thinks the internet is the best invention since the pill. Who would have thought all along the men wanted cyber, not fiber? Damn hearing aids.

The White Knight feels it is his duty to save all the damsels in distress.

The Flight Attendant Poster is ready in an instant to meet with other posters, especially the men. Often the Flight Attendant Poster was once a Flight Attendant in real life.

  The Fortune Teller Poster knows everything, or at least thinks she does. Ironically, she has a hard time remembering the past, often posting things that never happened. It is best to humor her.

The Scout Poster's main contribution to the boards is her willingness to go into new territory, posting thoughtful, conversation-starting topics.

The Good Witch poster has magical powers, drawing all on the boards to her, because she is so well liked. She uses her power only for good.

  The Haunted House Hussy welcomes all posters to her. But once near, they see how scary she really is. Best to steer clear of her, and whatever you do, do not contact her privately. Keep it on the boards. Block her emails to be safe.

  The Greek Goddess is the beauty of the board. She likes being worshipped, but is still a genuine caring gal. Some posters doubt her inner beauty, as she is so beautiful on the outside.

The Handyman is the poster who is good with his hands. Perfect typing every time.

  The Masked Poster never reveals who she really is. Is she even a she? Does she live where she says she does? Is she as young as she says she is? Is she really childless? We may never know. It's likely she doesn't know either. She is usually unstable, and could even have multiple personalities.

The ExHomecoming Queen Poster (often an ex cheerleader as well) posts many photos in her profile, and shares them with anyone who asks. However, she is usually in her 40's, is living in the past, and the photos she shares are over 20 yrs old. Someday it is hoped she will realize aging and becoming a mature adult are good things.

The Hook Poster is, well, a hooker. She lost her hand when she had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic she had to take to cure an STD a customer shared with her, but it has not stopped her from making a living. In fact, she has used it to her advantage, discovering many men like the 'unusual.' Her hook does not prevent her from folding her clothes neatly.

The Bored Housewife poster is looking for a little excitement to spice up her life. The boards provide that, and her husband reaps the benefits when he comes home from work. He happily pays AOL their monthly fee.

  The King of Hearts is a lover. He expects to be treated as royalty and even has a laptop so he can post while sitting on his throne.

The Kitty Poster is cute and soft and cuddly, but will bring out her claws if another poster attacks her or her Tomcat.

The Lion Tamer is searching the boards, looking for that Big Cat that needs to be disciplined. She spots him now and then, but he is a sneaky creature and is usually one step ahead of her.

The Mad Hatter is like the original, absolutely mad. He posts crazy topics, and responds to other's posts with craziness.

The Maid poster should be cleaning house, but just can't resist the boards. She found that if she wears a skimpy outfit, her husband doesn't really care if the house gets cleaned or not.

Miss Muffit is a timid poster, and scares easily. She doesn't post often. When she does, she gets accused of being a victim.

  The Monk is a poster that wanders from board to board, looking for one where women do not post.

The Naughty Nun poster goes on and on about how religious she is, how she has been 'saved' and how everyone must live their lives her way if they have any hopes of getting to heaven. But once in a while, her naughtiness reveals itself, and a bit of the devil takes over.

The Nurse poster feels most fulfilled when helping others. Of course, she always follows Doc's orders.

The Cowardly Lion poster is at first a little apprehensive, but soon joins in the conversations.

The Scarecrow poster is cute as a button, but his posts do not always make sense.

  The Tin Man is always hard and never rusty.

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